Ridgepoint Team arrived from Michigan on March 1st with lots of smiles and luggage filled with love for the community of La Canada. La Canada is a little community about 20 minutes from El Ayudante – but if you stand on our wall, you can see it if you look real closely. The last few years this team has been working on building a church/community center for the community and this week their plan was to install electrical, paint and love on the community.
Every morning started with devotions and getting focused with the Lord. By 9:00, they were on their way for a day of life changing. Some were busy installing and wiring electrical, others were painting the front of the church. By 10:00, the women’s Bible study was ready and children were playing with other team members. The first day over 22 women came to the Bible study and at least that many children!!!!
Most afternoons were filled with more painting, checking water filters and just loving on the community.
What a blessing you have been team!!! Thank you!!!
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