that 66% of the population of Honduras lives in poverty (less than $3.45 per day)
and 20%of those live in extreme poverty (less than $1.90 per day)
Located in Central America
Honduras borders with Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador & the Carribean Sea
Honduras is slightly smaller than the state of West Virginia
There are 18 “states” in Honduras – called departments
Honduras has about 9.9 million people
Constitutional republic
Spanish with some dialects
51% Roman Catholic /36% Protestant
$6,275 (in 2014)
According to, Honduras suffers an extraordinarily unequal distribution of income and soaring unemployment rates (around 28%) Most trade relies on the U.S. including tourism & agricultural exports of bananas, coffee, citrus, beef, timber, & Shrimp)
Over 80% of the land is mountainous
Honduras is on Central Time zone – and doesn’t change for daylight savings time
Lempira – exchange rate is approximately 24.5 L / 1 Dollar
On average, only one-third of Honduran children attend school past the primary level – resulting in decreased availability of qualified labor, productivity, and income generation.
Minimum legal age to work is 14. 7.8% of children ages 5-14 were working (2015). 4.4 % were attending school and working
Approximately 66% of Honduras lives below the poverty line – poverty line is $3.45 per day/person (statistics differ)
20% of those living in poverty live in extreme poverty – less than $1.90 per day
Physician to people ratio = .31 til 1000 people
20% of Honduras has no access to proper sanitation facilities
Unemployment rate: 10%
There is a huge gap between the rich and the poor – resulting in a very unequal society.
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