Educational Program

El Ayudante brings sustainable change to our community through education as it partners with students to further their education. Students find purpose and hope as they study and look forward to their future.


100 %

of Honduran children do not complete the 5th grade

1 %

of male children don’t continue past the 6th grade

1 %

of female students don’t continue past the 6th grade

1 %

of elementary students must repeat at least one grade before the 6th grade

100 %

of children own their own book; amongst our community

Our story

The Deeper Story

Although public education is considered ‘free’ in Honduras, that is not truly the case. All high school students must purchase a school uniform to be worn daily, school shoes, specific school supplies, as well as the textbooks for each quarter. The parents also must contribute to the daily snack that the children receive. All of this adds up to an overwhelming cost to a family that lives on barely $5/day to care for their entire family.

How can you help:

Our new EA Learning Center includes a tutoring center open to any students in our community. As our name El Ayudante, ‘the helper’, implies, we desire to help by providing the modern tools that these students are otherwise missing – access to computers, the internet, books and most importantly – tutoring help. With this kind of support available, students in our community will do better in school, have less repeated years, and will be influenced by our staff who are fully committed followers of Christ. The center fills in the gaps missing in the public school system, allowing our students to embrace learning and be prepared for their future. More than 100 students use the center on a regular basis to complete their homework.

*Cost to staff a full time teacher + supplies + utilities = $250/week

We need additional high school student sponsors every fall for the next school year that begins in February. $250 covers uniforms, shoes, textbooks, school supplies and other random fees. Email us today and we will put you on the list for the upcoming fall.

Did you know you can sponsor a university student? University is out of reach for all of our students unless they can find a sponsor. We choose the students who are motivated, have goals and the family support to be successful. The cost is $1500 a year. Students can begin at the beginning of any semester. Email us for information and to be matched with a student.

For more information email us at

Since 2016, El Ayudante has been investing in the youth through education. Thanks to the  education program, we are granted access into knowing them and spending time with them. Our goal is to get to know the students on a personal level, mentor them, speak into their lives and help them to grow their own personal relationships with Jesus Christ.

We have seen tremendous impact in the physical and spiritual lives of those touched by El Ayudante. Through this program, we will be able to impact the souls of our young people, bringing lasting impact to our community. Please support this effort to educate our local children!

For donations, select the Donate button below

* PayPal now offers the option for you to cover the processing fee. By choosing this option, you ensure that 100% of your donation is applied to it’s intended purpose. 

Tax-deductible donations may also be mailed to:

El Ayudante Missions USA, Inc.
PO Box 154
Rodeo, CA 94572

* Please indicate “education” on the memo line of your check.

Email us ( and let us know you want to serve with us!

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