We are the Jorge and Savanah Madrid. God has blessed us with 2 beautiful daughters, Sofia(9) and Jolanda(5). We are from Owensboro, Kentuky. Jorge was originally born in Tela, Honduras. His family journeyed from Hoduras to America, by foot, when he was a child. They entered the states in 1995. Since then Kentucky has been home. We met in high school and hit it off right away. We married in October of 2007.
From the very beginning of our relationship, international missions has been a part of lives. Being involved with short term missions was high on our priority list. Jorge and I traveled many places with different teams. We were invited to join a team to serve at El Ayudante in June 2017. Since missions is a huge part of our lives, we decided we would try this team and location out. The moment we arrived at El Ayudante, we knew this place was special. We fell in love with the people and organization. Prior to coming in 2017, Jorge and I felt the call to full time missions. We knew God wanted more from us than our short term trips. We prayed with our pastor and completely surrendered our lives to Christ to allow Him to lead and guide us where to serve. We didn’t know where God was leading us, but knew we had to follow His will for our lives. In February of 2018 we saw a post about interns needed at El Ayudante. It said to email for more information. I decided I would email and see what exactly they were looking for. We soon learned that there was also an opening for full time missionaries as the Teams Coordinator. We stepped out in faith and applied. After we went through the interview and application process, it was official we were moving to Honduras to serve as full time missionaries. We couldn’t be more excited. We know God had and has HIS hand in everything happening in our lives.
Once we knew we were moving to Honduras, we didn’t waste any time. Our goal move date was September 2018. We started fundraising in June 2018 and we realized we had an incredible group of senders. There is no way we could have moved to Honduras to serve without the prayers and support of others. We are so grateful to be serving full time at El Ayudante as the Teams Coordinators and are looking forward to following the plan God has for us.