Potential Team Leaders

Greetings Future Team leaders to El Ayudante Honduras!

It is so exciting to see El Ayudante moving forward in the will of God and seeing people like you taking interest to reach into the world and serve people for Christ! What a privilege we have to be God’s hands & feet to his beloved people in Honduras. 2011 has been an exciting year of progress as this was the first year full year that most of our teams stayed in the mission house! The mission house nows feels like a home – the finish work is done and we are proud to offer a place where teams can rest and recuperate for the next days ministry. We are very excited as we look forward to 2012 and we already have teams on the calendar! We are praying for a busy year of ministry as we complete some important projects at the El Ayudante grounds and spread out into different communities to serve them as well.

Medical clinic:

The medical clinic is now our ‘big push’ as the community is in desperate need of medical services. The surrounding community is extremely poor – making between $3-10/ day, with the closest clinic 1 to 3 hours walk away – making it nearly impossible for them to receive the necessary help. Thus the community suffers from many illnesses that could easily be fixed with the help of a nearby and affordable clinic. What a great opportunity to tell them of the Great Physician as we care for their physical needs. Progress has been made as people have been stepping up to the plate with willing hands and with finances. When this 20 room medical clinic is complete it will serve the community for basic services, eye care, dental, and surgeries. We are currently waiting for funds for stucco for the clinic inside and out ($25K) and then doors, windows, and electrical. This last year the roof was put on – a huge project!, the front entrance ways and front and back sidewalks poured.


By the grace of God, El Ayudante has a great name in the community and the community as a whole is very excited to be a part of what is happening here. The land is used daily for soccer games (great witnessing opportunity) and whenever there are teams the community comes running to lend a hand in the work being done and also form relationships with those here. We are welcome in any of the schools in the surrounding area. El Ayudante has done ministry in elementary schools, high schools, community center, squatters villages, town square, churches, orphanages, and under a tree. The possibilities are endless.

Your Team:

The great thing about El Ayudante is we want to use your talents! God has given us individual talents for a reason and we want to tap into that! We need doctors, nurses, eye doctors, dentists, dental assistants, electricians, plumbers, hair cutters, hair designers, soccer players, Frisbee throwers, hug-givers, child-holders, cooks, cleaners, painters, diggers, tile layers, and most importantly willing hands & hearts! The possibilities are endless – if a project is on your heart, please share and we’ll see what we can do.
El Ayudante is committed to excellence and we are so excited to serve along side you and your team in the year 2012 and beyond!

Here is a list of ministry potential to get your mind turning as you begin to envision where your team belongs:

El Ayudante Ministry Opportunities:

Humanitarian: distribution of food, clothes, shoes, school supplies

Children: VBS, crafts, puppets, activities in schools, clowning, juggling, music

Medical Services: eye, dental, general, etc

Sports/Recreation: soccer, field games, basketball, etc.

Construction: Continued advancement on mission base, improvements in the community, pouring floors

Mercy: hospitals, senior citizen centers, orphanages, prisons,

Church: attend or participate in church services, partner with a local church

Evangelism: door to door, dramas, presentations in central parks etc.

Adults: parenting classes, health education, trainings

May God bless your planning! We look forward to working with you!

Tristan & Elizabeth Mohagen

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