Honduras Weather


Climate, Weather, and Time Zone

Comayagua has a predominantly tropical climate, alternating between two seasons: rainy and dry. This is a result of its geographic location between 14.5° and 88° latitude north and the humidity from both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans which give it a fairly stable season. Honduras’s rainy season is from June through October.

During the rainy season, almost all days begin sunny with rains coming in the late afternoon and early evening. The rainy season is quite warm and humid ranging from 85° to 95°F. The coolest months are November, December, and January. The warmest months are March, April, and May when temperatures range from 85° to 100°F. El Ayudante receives a nice breeze that comes in the afternoon through evening which helps to cool things off.

Honduras is in the Central Time Zone but does not observe Daylight Savings Time.