Preparing To Travel

Preparing to Travel

  • Label all your bags with your name and address on the outside and inside. It quickens collecting baggage at the airport if all team luggage has identical bright colored name tags. In addition to the identical name tags, you might use a different ribbon for your men’s, women’s, and ministry suitcases. This will allow for quick sorting once you arrive at the mission house.
  • Sometimes luggage is delayed, and you will only have your carry-on. It is important to have all the necessities in this bag. Check with your airline carrier to determine how many pieces of luggage are allowed and the dimensions and weight limits. Many team members carry all their personal items in one carry-on and backpack and use the other for ministry supplies for the team.
  • In flight, prior to landing in Tegucigalpa, each team member will be asked to fill out a “Customs Declaration Form.” A pen and passport number will be needed.
  • After going through customs in Tegucigalpa airport, keep the customs forms in your passport.

What to Bring:

  • Please adjust this list according to your week’s work detail – example: construction / medical / or community ministry
  • T-shirts (no inappropriate slogans please)
  • Sleeveless shirts for ladies is fine – (no tank tops please unless it is for relaxing time inside the mission house)
  • Knee length shorts is acceptable (women please note –most Honduran’s do not wear shorts – you will receive less unwanted male attention if you wear capri’s or longer shorts – meaning below the knee!)
  • Pants / capri’s
  • Casual clothing for church (men – long pants and nice shirt, women – longer skirt/dress or Capri pants and nice shirt)
  • Tennis shoes or boots / shower shoes
  • Hat or bandana
  • Sunglasses / sunscreen / mosquito spray with DEET
  • Work Gloves
  • Toiletries & personal items
  • Water bottle (we will have purified water to refill your bottles throughout the week)
  • Bible / journal / pen
  • Camera
  • First Aid Items / flashlight
  • Do not bring jewelry or valuables of any kind
  • Prescription medicine – must be in original bottle with pharmacist’s label.

Please advice your team members that if they are asked in customs whether they have prescription drugs, they are asking about prescription drugs to be used for ministry. If you team is not a medical team, each member need to answer “no” if asked.

There will be absolutely no use of tobacco or alcoholic beverages during your week of ministry with El Ayudante.

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